Welcome to Dani and Karsten's Wedding

“With a tie not easy to break

Take the time of bindin’


Before the final vows are made

To learn what you need to know,

To grow in wisdom and love.


That your marriage will be strong,

That your love will last

In this life and beyond.”

General Info

Wedding dates and times

Wedding: Friday 06th of June at 10:00.

Wedding ceremony: 10:00 

Dinner and Party: 15:00

End: When the sun comes up again


Wedding Theme

We shall have a scottish themed wedding. Find out what that means and click here.




Hotels nearby

Need a place to stay? Here are some suggestions.




We are all a little weird and life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. (Dr. Seuss)

Contact us



Daniela Kinory: 0176 31472144

Karsten Trost: 0170 8041732



Alexandra Fey: 0170 1990328

Stefan Giesbert: 0176 64820469



An d. Treppe 8, 61184 Karben

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